This is a very common scene in our house whenever we are sick, we always try to find a kind of simple and easy solution to cure diseases in our bedside drawer. If we take an example like when we got back from our work, and it was quite busy and the weather is warm, we usually get a headache, and we try to find a solution of Diclofenac painkiller. But we did not even know it is equipped with various effects (abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, etc..) Medication errors are the second highest in terms of incidence of medical errors. One study showed that 5% of all hospital admissions are due to adverse drug reactions (ADR) and the fifth most common cause of death in the hospital, this error is caused 197,000 deaths each year in Europe Just countries.
Before main entrance to the arena of discussion, how we can prevent medication errors and what preventive measures we can take for our health and safety, we need to know what medication errors, and what kind of medication errors are the most common and contagious that we will face in everyday life. medication errors we see an error in the booking process, copying, spending, giving, or monitoring medications. Many drug errors are not expected or small consequences for the health of patients, but they can cause serious patient morbidity or mortality.There three types of errors that cause the patient to be a fatal condition, and they will kill errors, administration errors and prescription drugs errors.Dispensing Error: Gives an error occurs at each step of the process of compounding, receive a prescription at a pharmacy to supply the drug to be distributed to patients . Medication errors occur at a rate of 1-24% and include choosing the wrong strength or products. This happens especially with drugs that have the same name or appearance.Approaches to reduce medication dispensing errors: ensure a safe removal procedure.
Separation of drugs with the same name or appearance.
Keep spending way delay minimum pharmacist workload and maintain a safe and manageable level.
Awareness of high-risk medications such as potassium chloride and cytotoxic agents.
Introduce a systematic methodology for safe drug spending pharmacy.Administration Medical error: a clerical error that occurs when a difference occurs between the medication received by patients and drug therapy that is intended by the recipe. Medication administration errors largely involve errors of omission where the drugs are not given for a variety of reasons. Other types of errors include incorrect administration technique and management preparations.Approaches incorrect or obsolete to reduce medication administration errors: Check the patient's identity.
Ensure that the dose calculations are independently checked by another health care professional prior to administration.
Ensure that the prescribed medication, and the patient is in the same area so they can be checked against each other.
Ensure that the drug is given at the right time.
Minimize delays during rounds.
Prescription medication errors medicine: A medical prescription is also very important, when we talk about medication errors. Nearly 70% of medication errors are born because errors.Approaches recipes to reduce errors in prescription: Tell your doctor, to avoid the use of abbreviations, abbreviations found to be extremely dangerous because of the constant it is misunderstood.
Prescription order must include a brief notation purposes (eg, for cough), can further ensure that the correct medication dispensed and creates additional security checks in the process.
All recipes are created by a physician or doctor should mention the age and weight of patients in the treatment sequence. Patient's age and body weight can help professionals in health care spending in order to check the correct medication and dosage.
Order medicine should not include vague instructions such as "take as directed" or "Take / Use as needed" as the only way to use the drug. Clear direction is the need for a dispenser to: check the correct dose for the patient and also allows the possibility of patient counseling.
The order shall include the name of the medicinal drugs, safe weight measurements, or the concentration and dosage form. It helps the pharmacist to check for any missing information or questionable.
Concluding Description: As we all know the famous phrase phrase "Prevention is better than cure" is definitely an important factor when we discuss The issues such as medication errors. Medication errors is one of the most preventable cause of patient harm. There are a number of factors in each step of the process of patient care contribute to high rates of medication errors in the healthcare industry. Special focus should be given to phase prescription and administration of patient care due to the large number of errors traced back to the stage of treatment.
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